This work addresses the ongoing lack of legal clarity and inconsistent pronouncements regarding the regulatory status of cryptographic assets by introducing a novel series of classification approaches employing non-binary scoring systems. Novel taxonomies have been constructed based upon multi-level categorical and numerical discrimination methods following design science of information systems best practices. The aim is to provide greater explanatory insight with respect to the nuanced and complex ensemble of attributes which may be exhibited within this sui generis type of objects. The notions of Securityness, Moneyness and Commodityness are proposed as candidate meta-characteristics for TokenSpace: a three-dimensional visual construction of subjective classification approaches towards a coherent and customisable conceptual framework. TokenSpace can be used to make reasoned qualitative and / or quantitative comparisons of asset properties. TokenSpace has more in common with successful prior classification frameworks in other domains and greater development potential using axiomatic, empirical and qualitative approaches than the sorting, clustering, intuitive or naïve categorisation approaches previously employed for cryptographic assets. TokenSpace provides a basis upon which real-time information feeds and predictive analytical tools may be developed in future.